Kettenzubehör Güteklasse 8
chain accessories - chain grade 80
SIKA Gabelkopfhaken GHS
SIKA Clevis sling hook GHS

SIKA Gabelkopfhaken SGB
SIKA Clevis sling hook SGB

Wirbelhaken WHS mit Messinggleitlager
Safety swivel hook type WHS with bruss bushing

Wirbelhaken WHS mit Kugellager
Safety swivel hook type WHS with ball bearing


SIKA Automatikhaken AHG
SIKA Safety Clevis Hook AHG

SIKA Automatikhaken AHO
SIKA Safety Clevis Hook AHO

SIKA Automatikwirbelhaken AHW mit Messinggleitlager
SIKA Safety Swivel Hook AHW with bruss bushing

SIKA Automatikwirbelhaken AHW-K mit Nadel-Kugellager
SIKA Safety Swivel Hook AHW/K with needle roller bearing

SIKA Schafthaken SHS
SIKA Shank hook with thread

SIKA Weitmaulhaken CWH
SIKA Eye foundry hook CWH

SIKA Weitmaulhaken CWG
SIKA Eye foundry hook CWG

SIKA Ösenhaken OHS
SIKA Eye Sling Hook type OHS

SIKA-Ösenhaken SOB
SIKA-Eye hook SOB

Sika-Haken grün
Sika-Eye sling hook

SIKA-Ösenhaken SPS
SIKA-Eye hook type SPS

BKGC Containerhaken
BKGC Container hook

SAK Containerhaken 13-8
SAK Container hook 13-8

RAK Containerhaken 13-8
RAK Container hook 13-8

Containeröse - Elefantenfuß CH
Elefant foot - Container hook

SIKA Kugellagerwirbel KLW
SIKA Ball bearing swivel KLW

Schäkel Güteklasse 8 rot
Shackle grade 80

S-Haken SH und SH-Ö
S-hook (S type) SH

S-Haken 1700 + 1710 lange Version
S-hook (S type) 1700 + 1710 - long version

S-haken 1620 + 1640 mit Blechfalle
S-hook 1620 + 1640 with simple latch

S-Haken 1730 + 1750 mit Blechfalle lange Version
S-hook 1730 + 1750 with simple latch - long version

S-haken 1625 + 1645 mit Gußfalle
S-hook 1625 + 1645 with forged latch

S-Haken 1735 + 1755 mit Gußfalle lange Version
S-hook 1735 + 1755 with forged latch - long version

© SEWOTA GmbH, Bachgasse 6, 07922 Tanna/Thüringen